Everything Must Go
In the short amount of time that Exoskyn has been in existence, we have enjoyed great success thanks to all of our Team Exo supporters and the Train Forever movement. As an online business, it is in our best interest to have a pre-order sales model until we are able to locate a retail space. What this means is, instead of keeping all styles and designs in-stock in different sizes at all times, our new designs will be available for pre-order and not kept in stock.
How will this benefit Exoskyn? Until we locate the correct retail space, our current facility will not be overrun with inventory that we do not have space for.
How will this benefit you? We will be able to offer many more size options, as well as new designs much more often.
1st of the Month - Announce a new design that is available for pre-order purchase
7th - 14th - Announce and promote a new design that will be available for pre-order purchase on the 15th
15th - Announce the new design that was promoted on the 7th - 14th is now available for pre-order purchase
21st - End of Month - Announce and promote a new design that is available for pre-order purchase on the 1st
This new workflow will allow us to bring you new designs more often, and help streamline our manufacturing and product offering workflow.
As we continue to grow, we hope that our Team continues to adapt and grow with us. We are excited about these changes and look forward to gaining momentum with this movement. Train Forever.